
Showing posts with the label Documentary Review

Alien highway "Missouri Mayhem" 6.2 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2 min More questions needed answers...

Missing Kenley 5 of 10 stars ⭐ Another RCMP failure…

There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane (2011 TV Movie) 3 of 10 Exploitative & Pointless

Whores' Glory (2011) 10 of 10 stars ⭐ This movie is hard to watch...

Into the Unknown (2020 Reality Doc) 6.7 of 10 stars I don't think these reviewers get the point...

Never Seen Again Susan Walsh Pt 1 (2022) 6 out of 10 stars ⭐

Never Seen Again: Tamra Keepness, Part 2 (2022) 6 of 10 stars ⭐

Naica: Secrets of the Crystal Cave (2008 TV Movie) 6 of 10 stars ⭐Excellent Short Documentary About a Fascinating Place...

Mystery of the Fairy Circles (2011) 5 out of 10 stars ⭐ Short documentary with many questions left unanswered

3 JFK Homicide (2016 Documentary) 6 out of 10 stars

Lost Women of Highway 20 (Documentary 2023) 3 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 1:20min

#Cybersleuths: The Idaho Murders (2024) 1 out of 10 stars ⭐ So, It's Come to This...

JACK THE RIPPER: THE CASE REOPENED (TV doc 2019) 2.7 out of 10 stars