JACK THE RIPPER: THE CASE REOPENED (TV doc 2019) 2.7 out of 10 stars

 Rehashed nonsense...

JACK THE RIPPER: THE CASE REOPENED (TV doc 2019) 2.7 out of 10 stars


These types of documentaries NEVER focus on the psychology of the suspect, but just tries to wow us with the latest gadgets. There's nothing new here, no exciting revelations, it's not even entertaining. They put a bunch of THEIR suppositions into a computer, and then are SURPRISED when it agrees with them. It also uses modern computers to recreate, in graphic detail, the wounds (why?) and then talk about them as being savage, for thirty minutes. Are you kidding me? We ALL know Jack the Ripper was savage! Then, they come up with the same suspect (tacked on like an afterthought in the last 2 mins of the show) everyone else has ALREADY come up with. WHAT IS THE POINT IN THIS PROGRAM?

What no one takes into account is this man (Jack the Ripper) was no raving lunatic (as their "prime suspect" was). He was able to con street wise women, who KNEW there was a vicious killer around, into taking them back to a dark alley, or to their bed set , where he could do God knows what to them. I don't know many street wise prostitutes, who would take a rambling, disgusting man, who was hearing voices- telling him to eat out of the gutter,  and take him back to their home. THEY WOULD EXPECT SOMEONE LIKE THAT TO BE THE KILLER! We all want to think savage killers can be identified by outrageous or odd behavior. This gives us a false sense of security, we think we would never be conned by the monster in the darkness. It was the same then as now, worse then, because they did not have as good a grasp of the criminal mind, as we do now.

This documentary is newer, and should know better. It's the worst kind of whoring (and I'm talking about the filmmakers, and participants now) who make a graphic, disgusting documentary off of the butchered backs of women, who have already been exploited enough.

PS: I am not against violence, violent subject matter, or any other such nonsense. I am against wasting people's time, by rehashing old information, adding a bunch of violent imagery, and calling it "new". There are waaaaaaaay better Jack the Ripper docs out there, and I recommend you go watch one of those. Try The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper (1988) it's much better, even though it's from 1988. It has profiler John Douglas, as well as many other professionals, and even though I think they reach the wrong conclusion (because they're not using all murders from the area at the time -only the conical 5), it is still educational & entertaining.
