
Relationship Deli: Returned (2020 short film) 6 out of 10 stars ⭐

The Vestige (2011 short film) 6 out of 10 stars ⭐

Blue (VI) (2021) 5 out of 10 stars ⭐A strange short film about loss....

His Perfect Obsession (TV movie 2018) 6 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:15 min

Mommy Be Mine (TV Movie 2018) 6 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:45 This movie needs a sequel...

Thicker Than Water/the Twisted Son (TV movie 2019) 5 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 3min WARNING: Animal violence (see below)

Unwanted Guest (TV Movie 2016) 3.7 out of 10 stars Time to Read: *WARNING: ANIMAL CRUELTY AS A PLOT DEVICE (see below)

#Cybersleuths: The Idaho Murders (2024) 1 out of 10 stars ⭐ So, It's Come to This...

Fatal Honeymoon (TV movie 2012) 6 out of 10 stars

One Small Indiscretion (TV Movie 2017) 4 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:37min

JACK THE RIPPER: THE CASE REOPENED (TV doc 2019) 2.7 out of 10 stars