ONE SMALL INDISCRETION (TV Movie 2017) 4 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:37min

 Has some problems...

ONE SMALL INDISCRETION (TV Movie 2017) 4 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 2:37min


Elle Fawcett (Tiera Skovbye) witnessed a terrible tragedy as a preteen - the murder/suicide of her parents. Her father had been having an affair, but Elle knows it was never his fault. It was that temptress who coerced him into it, that's who's to blame. Knowledge of the affair started her mother drinking, and eventually the end came, with her mother killing her father, and then herself. Elle witnessed the immediate aftermath, and she has her mother's hate filled journals, and they lay the blame at the feet of Caroline Winters (Ashley Scott), homewrecker.

It's time Caroline knew what it felt like to have her family, and life destroyed, and Elle is going to make sure it happens... She's going to enjoy watching Caroline's family crumble, she may even frame Caroline for murder before she's done...


*FOR ONCE, THE SPY CAMERAS ARE HIDDEN WELL However, if Logan fenced on a regulate basis, the one in his fencing helmet might be found, but he wouldn't see it otherwise.

*FOR THIS TYPE OF MOVIE, THE ACTING IS ABOVE AVERAGE Most of the time, in made-for-tv movies, there are many lines, or scenes that don't ring true. I rarely had that thought in this movie (just a few lines), all of the actors do a fine job for the type of script they are dealing with.


*WHO'S GOING TO PUT PHOTOS ON THEIR MANTLE WHEN THEY LOOK MISERABLE IN THEM? And who would want to remember a time when their marriage problems got so bad, they had an affair? That just seems asinine.

*THE NEIGHBOR IS TOO SUSPICIOUS WITHOUT CAUSE We (the viewers) don't find out why Hannah (Gaëlle Pouliquen), the neighbor, is so suspicious of Elle, until AFTER her bizarre behavior. This throws the viewer out, because we don't understand why she is fixated on her neighbor's tenant. Apparently, her ex husband cheated on her with their nanny. But we don't discover this until much later, and so her fixation on Elle comes off as bizarre, and her behavior, (snooping through Elle's things, thinking about breaking into Elle's apt) is unacceptable in any real world scenario. This could have been fixed with a few lines of dialogue.

*THE TYPE OF FLIRTING ELLE DOES WITH SAM (the husband Cru Ennis) IS BIZARRE & JUVENILE I'm not sure most grown men would be flattered by this, more likely they would find it uncomfortable & awkward.

*HOW WOULD ELLE KNOW WHAT TYPE OF FLASH DRIVE CAROLINE USED? Elle steals Caroline's flashdrive, which has a work presentation on it. It's a very distinctive red and black flash drive, and Elle knew exactly what model & color so she could switch them. How? It's too small for her cameras to see, and since Caroline would usually have it with her, when would Elle have seen it up close?

*THE BOSS OVERREACTING ABOUT A BROKEN FLASHDRIVE IS RIDICULOUS AND RUINS THE WHOLE MOVIE! First of all, Caroline would have back up print outs of her layouts, to hand out in the meeting. The lack of a power point presentation wouldn't be a big deal. Second, she had the files on her computer, so the delay of five minutes wouldn't matter. Third, the new boss's behavior towards the young associate at the expense of Caroline, is grounds for a law suit. No company would put up with that type of repeated discrimination, especially since Caroline had performed admirably under her old boss. This whole plot line is convoluted, stupid, and ruins the movie. It's also unacceptable, since there are ways to fix it (The writers David DeCrane & Dave Hickey should know about this type of plothole & avoid it). I know this is a melodrama, but having plotlines that don't work in real world scenarios, kick the viewer out of the movie, and make me want to throw things at the TV.

*IF ELLE SHOT SAM, THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY POWDER BURNS ON CAROLINE'S HANDS. The police would instantly know that Caroline didn't do it, and Elle's frame would fall apart.

*TIERRA SKOVBYE NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE A GUN I thought the same thing in A Murderer Upstairs (2017) . She's constantly tilting it down, where it would shoot the floor.


*This is not a terrible melodrama, but it's not the best either. If you're looking for a few hours to veg, and turn your brain off, you could do much worse. If you enjoy watching Tiera Skovbye act like a crazy person, or you're a fan of Ashley Scott, give this a watch.


*THIS IS A MADE-FOR-TV MOVIE, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE FILM, or production in ANY way. This review was NOT written in full, or in part, by a bot. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews (less trolls and fanboys), and better entertainment. Hope I helped you out.
