Whisper (2007) 5 of 10 stars ⭐ Child Role Badly Cast
Child Role Badly Cast
Whisper (2007) 5 of 10 stars ⭐
This movie had potential, mainly because of the 4 principal adult actors. All four of the so called kidnappers, were believable in their roles, and gave solid performances.
However, if a child is really the devil, then I need to be afraid of this child...and I wasn't. So, even though the script was fairly well written, and the adult actors played their parts to perfection, I was constantly thrown out (of my suspension of disbelief) by the bland, normal 8 year old boy, who was supposed to be the devil. His performance couldn't even be helped by the evil CGI facial expressions. If your looking for a good horror/thriller, there are definitely better choices. But if you've got a few hours to kill, and there's nothing else on, you could find worse movies.
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