Too Late to Say Goodbye (2009 TV Movie) 5 of 10 stars ⭐ A Good Made-For-TV Movie...

A Good Made-For-TV Movie...

TOO LATE TO SAY GOODBYE (2009 TV Movie) 5 of 10 stars ⭐



Told in semi flashback, the movie opens with Jenn Corbin's (Stefanie von Pfetten) apparent suicide. Then in retrospect, we see how Jenn and Bart Corbin (Rob Lowe) met, fell in love, had their children, and how their marriage disintegrated, due to Bart's controlling behavior.

Bart Corbin is a dentist, and his assistant Dara (Katie Griffin) is a bit snarky to his wife Jenn. Jenn thinks Bart & Dara are having an affair, so Jenn seeks solace online. She begins an internet affair with someone named Chris. He's supposed to own a plant nursery in St. Louis, but is he really what he seems?

At the same time, Bart, begins insinuating to Jenn's family she's having a breakdown. He's handsome, successful, and very convincing. Jenn pleads with her family to believe her, Bart is becoming violent, controlling and she's afraid. His outbursts are more over the top, but still, everyone is loathe to believe Jenn.

When we return to the present, Detective Ann Roche (Michelle Hurd) and Detective Sam Malveau (Marc Bendavid) work tirelessly on the case. Now, Jenn's sister, Heather (Lauren Holly) can see the truth about her brother-in-law. Heather never gives up trying to prove Bart's guilt. Her tenaciousness leads her to another 'suicide', one of Bart's college girlfriends. Heather works with police to try to get justice for both women. Will it be enough to put him behind bars?


*MOST OF THE PERFORMANCES IN THIS TV MOVIE ARE BELIEVABLE. The actors, Lauren Holly, Yannick Bisson, Michelle Hurd, Marc Bendavid, and of course, Rob Lowe, are a step above the usual faire, so it's more engaging.


*THERE'S NOT ENOUGH FORESHADOWING ABOUT BART'S TRUE PERSONALITY. One minute, he's a great guy, the next evil. There should have been more scenes where we, the viewer, see him as Jenn sees him.

*THE FLASHBACK TO THE '80'S DOES NOT WORK! And playing Rick Astley in the back ground, and giving the girl big hair, does not convince me that 2009 Rob Lowe, is really 1987 Rob Lowe. We all know what Rob Lowe looked like in the '80's, and this is not it! It would have been better to get one of his son's to play him as a younger man, or some other look a like, because this is a FAIL.


*I would recommend this movie. It has a great cast, and they do a good job with made-for-tv movie material.


*I don't believe in trigger warnings, I think WOKE is a virus. BUT, I also don't agree with supporting movies that use animal abuse/murder as a plot point, to show a character is evil. It is lazy writing, and in most cases should be quashed. This movie does use a cat's kidnapping\disappearance at the hands of a psycho, as a plot device.

*THIS IS A MADE-FOR-TV MOVIE, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE FILM, or production in ANY way. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews. Hope I helped you out.
