The Catcher in the Rye 2 of 5 stars ⭐ Most overrated book in history…

Most overrated book in history…

The Catcher in the Rye 2 of 5 stars ⭐ 

By: J.D. Salinger

 I HATED this book. Please don't tell me I'm missing the point, and maybe I should read it again, now that I'm older. But God help me, I think I'd go blind. I remember thinking, this? This is what all the fuss is about? Caulfield's whining about not getting laid? To quote Stan Marsh, "...don't care! don't care!" I'm giving it 2 stars because it is well written, and for that, I am appreciative. But as for the rest of it, for it being regarded as a classic, for that, you can kiss it!

 I understand why this is always on assassin's bookshelves... 
