Paranormal 911: Phantom Footsteps (2019) 6 of 10 stars ⭐ Excellent make-up job & story...

Paranormal 911: Phantom Footsteps (2019)

Season 1, Episode 2

Excellent make-up job & story...

This is now the third time I've heard a story from a first responder, about a deceased parent saving the their child from certain death by calling out after they have died. After hearing the same story from so many hard working, dedicated, first responders, it would be hard not to believe. The EMT on this story believes love goes beyond death, and I believe that as well.

On another note, the make-up on the actor, portraying the deceased father, was done extremely well. I cringed when I first saw him, and I am not squeamish. I don't believe I've ever thought, "Wow, that's good make-up!" on any of these types of shows before, so it deserves a mention. 
