Living with the Enemy (2005 TV Movie) 4 of 10 stars ⭐ Give This One a Pass....

Give This One a Pass....

LIVING WITH THE ENEMY (2005 TV Movie) 4 of 10 stars ⭐


A kid is using the computers at a library. He is then killed outside, in a hit-and-run. Who was he? What was he doing? Why was he using an anonymous computer to do it? And who would want to kill him for it?

At a technology conference, Allison Conner (played by Sarah Lancaster) is trying to get her boss, Bev Wallach, (played by Maxim Roy) a meeting with tech billionaire, Phillip Lauder (played by Mark Humphrey). Allison is having no luck, until she meets a mysterious, handsome man while jogging. He says his name is "Paul," but she soon discovers he is Phillip Lauder. He proceeds to sweep her off her feet, but is he to good to be true?

Philip wants to recruit a hacker named Carl Branch (played by Max Kubiak), but Branch thinks 'Cobalt', (Lauder's company) is evil, and wants to start his own company. He's then knifed to death in an alley. What's the connection?

AFTER they're married, Allison Googles her now husband (yes, I said after), and finds out his previous wife was kidnapped, tortured and murdered, even after Philip paid a 50 million dollar ransom. She's also surprised by all the security and precautions. Why didn't he tell her? Shouldn't she now be suspicious?

She meets her irascible "sister-in-law" Tanya (played by Susan Glover), who supposedly used to work at Cobalt until she burned out, and now runs Philip's stables. She's less than friendly, and tells Allison, the staff is here to serve you, not be your friend. She's clearly trying to isolate Allison, but why?

The FBI "kidnaps" Allison, to tell her, Monique (Philip's first wife who was kidnapped and killed) was using info she'd obtained about Cobalt to get out of her pre-nup. Then she ended up dead. They want Allison to get dirt on her husband, and they threaten her with prosecution if she doesn't.


*ALLISON CONNER LAUDER IS A BELIEVABLE CHARACTER Sarah Lancaster as Allison Conner Lauder does a good job of playing the naive girl from Idaho. They take her naivete too far, but she embodies the character well.


*UNBELIEVABLE MOTIVATIONS I get whirlwind romances, but it's very hard to believe that after 1 jogging date, 1 regular date, and a roll in the hay, that a billionaire would propose to basically a total stranger. He would need time to check her out, and get a prenup etc. It's also very hard to believe that she wouldn't think he's damaged in some way by moving this fast. I wouldn't be saying this if they had shown a montage of them together for a week or two. But proposing marriage after 48 hours is not believable on either side, no matter what his alternative motives are, or how naive she is.

*SHE WAITS TO GOOGLE HER HUSBAND UNTIL AFTER THEY'RE MARRIED? She's surprised by all the security precautions, or the fact that the head of a billion dollar tech company would be gone a lot? This is supposed to be believable? This girl got a full ride scholarship, and was going to graduate Suma, but we're supposed to believe she's this air headed?

*THE FBI "KIDNAPS" ALLISON. They throw her into a van, and drive her to a parking garage. I don't believe the FBI would do anything that stupid, they would approach her another way. What if she'd had survival training, or a gun? Things could have turned bad fast, and would be embarrassing for them, if not downright illegal. They threaten her with "criminal charges", but then remind her she's only known him a month?! What CRIMINAL CHARGES?! RIDICULOUS! Side note: In many states, martial privilege is as sacrosanct as ecclesiastical privilege. It CANNOT be superceded, so this whole plot point is asinine.

*THERE'S A LOT OF DEUS EX MACHINA HERE. Keys being found too easily, websites written down, just where Allison can find it, etc. ATTENTION WRITERS: There's a game called "Can You?" Can you write a better, MORE believable plot point? Write 10, and pick the best one, the most believable, DON'T take the easy way out.


As Made-For-TV movies go, this is one I'd suggest you give a pass to. There are so many quality Made-For-TV movies, and vintage Movies-of-the-Week out there, there's no need to waste your time on this one.


*THIS IS A MADE-FOR-TV MOVIE, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE FILM, or production in ANY way. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews. Hope I helped you out.
