HER SECRET FAMILY KILLER/DNA KILLER (TV movie 2020) 4 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 1:35 min

  Watchable... But could have been better

HER SECRET FAMILY KILLER/DNA KILLER (TV movie 2020) 4 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 1:35 min


Sarah (Brooke Nevin) runs her family's ice cream shop, and lives happily with her daughter, Zoe (Kylee Levien), and her husband, Geoff (Brian Ames). After a surprise birthday party for Sarah, her best friend, Victoria (Carmen Moreno), goes missing, and is later found murdered. Suddenly, people are dropping like flies around Sarah, and she's being stalked by someone in a motorcycle helmet. There are plenty of people with meaningless motives, most of them family members, but few of them make sense as viable suspects. Can Sarah put the pieces together, and unmask a killer, before she loses anyone else she loves?


*THE ACTING IS OK Everyone here does an ok job with what they're given. It's just the giant plothole in the middle of the story that's the problem.


*BEING LEFT HANDED/AMBIDEXTROUS IS NOT A REASON TO SUSPECT ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONE My mother is left handed, and she's the only one in the family who is. A recent study using a huge sampling of people, found "there is very little genetic correlation between being left-handed and being ambidextrous". In other words, IT'S NOT GENETIC! So, the whole plotline of Sarah and her daughter being ambidextrous, and Victoria buying Sarah a DNA kit to uncover this genetic mystery, is just plain bogus.

*NO COP ANYWHERE IS ALLOWED TO WORK ON A FAMILY MEMBER'S MURDER Second to that, no spouse would be allowed anywhere near their partner's homicide, because 95% of the time, they're the person who committed the crime. So, the whole storyline of Roger (Matt Shevin) working on his wife's murder is asinine! IT RUINS THE WHOLE MOVIE, and puts this inline with aliens landing, because that would be just as probable as Roger working on his wife's murder.

*APRIL HAD HER PHONE IN HER LAP, IN THE FRONT SEAT, WHILE SHE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL. SOMEONE THEN GARROTES HER FROM THE BACK SEAT The killer never touches the phone, so the whole murder should be recorded, but it isn't. This is a major goof, as the police would be more apt to listen about April being missing, if they heard a struggle on the voicemail, not just a hangup.

*IF SOMEONE IS MURDERING WOMEN IN A SMALL TOWN, SHOULDN'T THE POLICE BE CONCERNED WHEN ANOTHER GOES MISSING? Roger's behavior aside, shouldn't the police be concerned when another woman, in the same circle of people, goes missing?


*This is just below average for this type of movie. It's watchable, but it's not fun enough to be a repeater. If you like this type of low budget, made-for-tv entertainment, you'll find this passable. If you don't like this kind of movie, then STOP WATCHING & RATING THEM!


*THIS IS A MADE-FOR-TV MOVIE, please keep that in mind before you watch/rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE FILM, or production in ANY way. This review was NOT written in full, or in part, by a bot. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews (less trolls and fanboys), and better entertainment. Hope I helped you out
