Finding Bigfoot (2011– ) 6 of 10 stars ⭐ Get a clue people... THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT!

 Get a clue people... THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT!

Finding Bigfoot (2011– ) 6 of 10 stars ⭐ 



These people who are giving this show a 1 star, need to get a clue. This is ENTERTAINMENT! It is NOT a scientific show! These people, with their 1 star reviews, have no sense of humor, or sense of adventure. I also suspect that they are the type of people who want to watch the same show, about so called 'perfect' people, over and over. I prefer a little variety in my life. Never underestimate the simulation eccentricity gives you, and the people on 'Finding Bigfoot' are as eccentric as you get. This show is about some idiosyncratic, true believers (& 1 skeptic), who meet up with brave local people, who have had Bigfoot encounters. They then make educated guesses, about where to look, and the adventure begins.

This show is also about, getting off of your couch, and having a passion. I agree, it's not everyone's passion, but do we all have to be the same? What a boring, monotone world that would be! I like seeing people travel about, meet interesting people, and trek through the woods, encountering wildlife.

If you like watching something different, with off-beat people, then this show is for you. If you're one of the sheepople, that thinks everyone has to be the same, then give this one a pass.
