Father Brown: The Shadow of the Scaffold (2014) 1 of 10 stars ⭐ The new inspector RUINS the show!

The new inspector RUINS the show! Why oh why did they replace Hugo Speer as Inspector Valentine with Tom Chambers as Inspector Sullivan?


1 of 10 stars ⭐

Season 2, Episode 4


Hey fanboys & fangirls, you do realize you can give constructive criticism, and still like something? I know we have all lost our critical thinking in this day and age, but in my day, WE COULD THINK FOR OURSELVES! You might try it sometime, it's good for you! If you disagree, tell me why! Don't throw tantrums, let's have an adult discourse. I welcome input, and would love to hear the thoughts of others. Also, I quit watching soon after he arrived, so if he changes later, and this affects things, I wouldn't know. 



*COPS ALWAYS TAKE HELP especially when the person offering it doesn't want any of the credit. This worked much better when it was like Sherlock Holmes & Inspector Lestrade. Homes never wanted credit, and Lestrade realized Holmes was a tool to be utilized, just like Inspector Valentine realized about Father Brown. He knows everyone and everything about this small closed society, why wouldn't you use him, instead of antagonizing him? 

*PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND SOCIOLOGICALLY SPEAKING, INSPECTOR SULLIVAN DOESN'T WORK Small towns have rules, especially about outsiders. A hostile outsider who wanted to push around respected members of the community, wouldn't be tolerated. 

*THE NEW DRAMA BETWEEN FATHER BROWN AND INSPECTOR SULLIVAN RUINS THE WHOLE SHOW! Writers, you don't need all this hyped up drama, that's not why people watch shows like these. People watch to solve a mystery, and to watch characters we LIKE figure things out. I know you think you need that extra push, but all you are doing is souring the fine wine.

*INSPECTOR SULLIVAN ADDS NOTHING! (this is nothing against the actor, Tom Chambers, he's a fine actor in a crappy role) It's one thing to be stubborn, or to think that Father Brown intrudes in investigations, but REALISTICALLY, how many times will Inspector Sullivan send people to the gallows, and be allowed to get away with it? How many times will he come up with asinine theories, like there are two serial killers in the tiny village of Kimbelford, one a copycat? REALLY?! This is believable? I get that I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief, but I've had to fast forward through several episodes, all due to him. This episode would present a fine mystery IF the Inspector would use his own brain, and NOT try to send potentially innocent people to swing, to save his own reputation.

*WHAT KIND OF CHARACTER IS THAT? WHAT DOES HE ADD - NOTHING! If he suspends my disbelief to the point where I am skipping episodes outright, or skipping scenes he's in, IT'S A FAIL! He dresses too well to be a policeman (not like Inspector Valentine), he's an incompetent dullard, and what's worse he can't admit when he's wrong, and since Father Brown is too gracious to put him in his place, someone else needs to. Kimbelford is a SMALL village, the local people would drive his city boy ass out with pitchforks! Do you think the members of Father Brown's Parrish would stand for Father Brown being arrested? Do you think the myriad of other people Father Brown has helped, would stand for that? Again, I reiterate, it's a small village, everyone knows everyone! And since Inspector Sullivan has never helped anyone, the people of the village would turn against him.
