Criminal Minds (2005) 6 of 10 stars ⭐ What happened to all the music on the DVDs?!

 What happened to all the music on the DVDs?!

Criminal Minds (2005) 6 of 10 stars ⭐

I love the early episodes of this series, a great crime drama, where the cops aren't constantly violating people's constitutional rights, (I'm talking to you, Law & Order: SVU) or bullying people into doing things they'd never do themselves. It's a refreshing change to see cops using their brains instead of their brawn, and working within our legal system.

But I just bought the DVDs, and ALL of the music is gone. THIS HAS TO STOP! Music is added to shows to mark the time, and add emotional value. Ask yourself, how many times has a song, added to a movie or TV show, moved you to tears? How many times do you remember a particular scene, because of an added song? Isn't it about time we hold the producers & musicians accountable? If you create art, don't water it down to get my money, because that's how I feel when watching these DVDs. In the episode, "Plain Sight," this is brutally apparent. In the opening scene, they use Aretha Franklin's song, "Respect". I think the message in the use of that song is blatantly clear. But they replaced it, with a song that has no meaning to the particular scene. But what's worse, in the closing scene, the Jackson Browne song, "Doctor My Eyes," (used because the killer forces the eyes of his victims open) is replaced with musak! MUSAK! It takes away ALL the power of the episode, so a few producers can save some money. To hell with you! I'm done!

I will NEVER buy DVDs\DLs again, without checking to make sure the music is included. THIS IS A TRAVESTY THAT HAS TO STOP! 

I will buy illegal bootlegs instead, because the creators of this watered down drek, are stealing from us, so why shouldn't we steal back? I bought these DVDs in good faith, thinking I would get the actual episodes. WRONG!

Greed has ruined the entertainment industry, are we as consumers, going to continue to let this happen? All consumers should write and boycott these travesties, both to the production companies and the musicians. STOP THE STEAL! STOP THE GREED!
