
HER FORGOTTEN DAUGHTER/THE WRONG NANNY/OUR NANNY'S KILLER SECRET (TV Movie 2017) 5 out of 5 stars ⭐ Time to read: 1:34

 A Fun, Made-for-TV Time Waster... HER FORGOTTEN DAUGHTER/THE WRONG NANNY/OUR NANNY'S KILLER SECRET (TV Movie 2017) 5 out of 5 stars Time to read: 1:34 BASIC PLOT:  Stella Armstrong (Lindsay Hartley) is a determined woman. She's trying to plan, and execute a fundraiser for pancreatic cancers. Stella wants to honor her mother, who died from this horrible disease. But things aren't going well, her twin babies are handful, and there's so much to do. Her husband, Tanner (Brody Hutzler), thinks it's high time she revisit the nanny idea, and finally get the help she needs. Stella reluctantly agrees, even though she's not comfortable with a stranger in her house. But the fundraiser is important to her, so she begins to search for a nanny. Most are not a good fit, until she comes across Blake Nolan (Freya Tingley). Blake seems perfect, the boys like her, and she even comes recommended by a trusted family friend (or does she?). Things finally seem to be on track, but Bla

THE SURROGATE (TV MOVIE 2013) 5 out of 10 ⭐

 Standard Made-For-TV Faire... THE SURROGATE (TV MOVIE 2013) BASIC PLOT:  Allison and Jacob Kelly are desperate to put the past behind them, and the future in a crib. They've survived Jacob's (Cameron Mathison) affair, losing a child, and Allison's (nm1156709Annie Wersching) cancer. Now, they have one final chance to have baby, a surrogate. Allison's cancer has left her sterile, but before her cancer treatments, they froze 12 embryos. Unfortunately, there's only one viable embryo left. After their first surrogate Remy Daniels (Annie Wersching) dies, in what appears to be a drug fueled accident, they are frantic to find someone reliable to carry their child. Out of the blue, Kate Randall (Amy Scott), an office worker at Whittendale, the college where Jacob works, approaches Jacob about becoming a surrogate. Even though they don't really know her, she seems perfect. Her references check out, but Jacob has a feeling about Kate, and it's not good. Soon, Jacob

A WOMAN HUNTED/OUTRAGE (2003 TV movie) 1.5 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 4min (lots to b*tch about)

  Clichés, plotholes, & deus ex machinas fill this disgusting, exploitative excuse for a script... A WOMAN HUNTED/OUTRAGE (2003 TV movie) 1.5 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 4 min (lots to b*tch about) WARNING: Graphic depiction of a sexual assault BASIC PLOT:  Lainie Wheeler (Alexandra Paul) is not having a good year. First, her husband leaves her a Dear Jane letter, abandoning her and their two children for the sunny shores of Thailand. Next, her best friend dies from breast cancer, but it takes awhile, and she lingers at a nearby hospice for more than six months. Lainie spends so much time at the hospice, she decides to abandon her TV producing job, and applies to work with the dying. She gets a rush from working there, so she decides to stay on, even after her friend has passed. A rush is not the only thing Lainie gets from working at the hospice, she also picks up a nasty drug habit. It costs her custody of her children, and her new boyfriend, Matt Harper (Tim Post). Lainie re

DEMONS FROM HER PAST (TV movie 2007) 3 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 3:30 min

  Decent acting can't save this terrible script... DEMONS FROM HER PAST (TV movie 2007) 3 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 3:30 min BASIC PLOT:  Allison Buchanan (Alexandra Paul) was robbed of the best years of her life, and what's worse, they were stolen by people she thought were her friends. The summer after high school was supposed to be about carefree adventures, something to enjoy before the obligations of her full ride scholarship weighed her down with responsibilities. But sometimes dreams can vanish in the blink of an eye, or be purloined by well placed lies, and that's what happened to Allison on a sunny afternoon in 1981. Always responsible, Allison was driving three friends home from the lake, where they had been drinking all day. By late afternoon, the three boys, K. C. Hollings (Rob Stewart), Quentin Baxter (John Ralston), and Jeremy Warner (Kevin Jubinville) were all intoxicated, and acting stupid. On the way home, K. C. grabbed the wheel from Allison, and ste

LOST BEHIND BARS (TV movie 2006) 2 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 2:56 min

  Not even Paget Brewster can save this terrible script... LOST BEHIND BARS (TV movie 2006)  2 out of 10 ⭐ stars Time to Read: 2:56 min BASIC PLOT:  Lauren Wilde (Paget Brewster) is a documentarian, whose latest project is on death row inmates. The last subject of her film is Kevin Reese (Antonio Cupo), a man convicted of killing his girlfriend, her husband, and two small children. He has no memory of the event, but since he was found at the scene, covered in blood, he has accepted his fate. Lauren is not satisfied with the official story. The more questions she asks, the less answers she has, and none of it is adding up. She's uncovered dirty cops, sleezy lawyers, missing case files, and lots of threats from just about everybody. Lauren is convinced she's headed in the right direction, but when two murders take place while she's investigating, she knows her life is in imminent danger. With only three days left before Reese's execution, can Lauren put the pieces togethe

DEADLY SECOND CHANCES/LOVE YOU TO DEATH (TV movie 2015) 1.5 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 5 min (lots to complain about)

 Not only a boring movie, but laden with terrible messages to women... DEADLY SECOND CHANCES/LOVE YOU TO DEATH (TV movie 2015) 1.5 out of 10 stars Time to Read: 5 min (lots to complain about) BASIC PLOT:  Yasmine Winters (Bree Williamson) grew up hard. She's now an ADA, with a daughter, Paige (Emilija Baranac), but when she was a little girl, she was horrifically abused by her father, Jack (Wesley Salter). She also watched him violently abuse her mother, and her sister, Laura (Jill Morrison). Jack's horrific brutality ends up killing the girls' mother (indirectly). But instead of shaping up, and caring for his daughters', he abandons them, leaving a teenaged Laura to care for her young sister, Yasmine. A case, similar to her mother's tragic end, was recently assigned to Yasmine. It's caused her to have panic attacks, and PTSD symptoms, including passing out in the courtroom. Joan, her boss, insists she take a stress leave, and go see her sister, Laura. But the s

I AM WATCHING YOU (TV Movie 2016) 6 out of 10 ⭐

  Another Successful Outing For Brian Ames... I AM WATCHING YOU (TV Movie 2016) 6 out of 10 ⭐ BASIC PLOT:  Nora Nichols (Madeline Zima) is an old fashioned girl, who's trying to find her inner vixen. She's always been a homebody, which is why she broke up with her last boyfriend. She's decided to be more adventurous, maybe even sow some wild oats. Nora has had some success in her life, writing online romance novels, but now she needs inspiration. She's can see right into her hot neighbor's bedroom window, and she often fantasizes about what she sees. Her online books are popular, and have attracted the attention of a book publisher (Lesley-Anne Down). They agree to publish her book, if she can come up with new material, and fast. She agrees, but needs some titillation. One night, her neighbor gets "locked out" of his apartment, and the flirtation begins. His name is Lucas Wheeler (Brian Ames), he's a photographer, and even more gorgeous up close. Soon,