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THE BLACK DAHLIA by James Ellroy 3.7 of 10 stars ⭐ Time to read: 6min Full of dead ends & unlikable characters

 THE BLACK DAHLIA by James Ellroy  3.7 of 10 stars ⭐ Time to read: 6min Full of dead ends & unlikable characters… BASIC PLOT: Bucky Bleichert, an ex-boxer, turned cop, is at a crossroads in his life. He doesn't have much ambition, and is just floating through his police career, much like he did during his time in the boxing ring. He's a born screw up, who let's his emotions, and his temper control his life.  Bucky just floats along, always taking the path of least resistance, never planning, or even trying to find a way towards advancement. He is a bit enamored of Lee Blanchard, another cop, who's also an ex-boxer. But unlike Bucky, Lee has worked for what he has, or as Bucky puts it, "he (Lee) worked to assure his own future, while I skated uncertainly toward mine." Lee predicts they will become partners, and they do, but mostly due to Lee's behind the scenes manuevering, not anything Bucky does, or doesn't do.  The Police department stages a boxi...

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